Company - Fantasia Napoletana
We are Online Market of organic fruits, vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Visit site for a complete list of exclusive we are stocking.

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E.D.R.A. srl – company oriented towards the rediscover of the flavors – was established in 1992 starting from an entrepreneurial idea of Neapolitan associates.
From then on we have gained the trust of our consumers through a selection of the best products only, offering high quality at a very good price.
Over the years we have focused on the realization of sound elements on which to base our key success factors, that distinguish all our activities.
From the tradition of Italian and Neapolitan cuisine came the idea to bring back on Italian tables the flavours and fragrances of typical dishes branded “Fantasia Napoletana”.
Innovation, quality, tradition of flavours all enclosed in a very simple idea: to combine the Creativity typical of our land – renowned for the art of always inventing something new – and traditional flavours.
Our company has always worked with the brand “Fantasia Napoletana” and has established itself as a point of reference for all those who demand something new to serve, drawing on the flavours and tradition of the specialties of our wonderful land.

Quality control

- il miglior servizio per te -
“In an increasingly demanding market the goal to pursue is to present high quality products”

So said our promoting partner in 1992.
From then on we have worked hard to make those words become a tangible reality.
It is the reason why we realized a Vendor Rating system aimed at accounting and monitoring the performances of our suppliers as well as the quality of their products:
a. Suppliers are subjected to a rigorous analysis carried out by our qualified personnel, in order to monitor the production cycle on a periodic basis.
b. Reliability, compliance with deadlines, quality of the process, product certification are the main parameters used to constantly monitor our suppliers.

Our suppliers are mainly selected through:
Accurate search on the web and on specialized trade magazines in order to locate potential suppliers
Periodic inspections – agreed with the potential supplier – carried out by our qualified personnel to verify quality standards
Continuous monitoring of the reliability indexes set by our company. A report for supplies shall be written


A refined and diversified range, only the best products become “Fantasia Napoletana”

From the beginning we have worked with great care and attention to select only the best products of our land, and we have researched the best herbs and spices, creating for our customers two product lines guaranteed by the certified quality Fantasia Napoletana.

Two lines to present the flovor of quality products “Spice, Aromatic Herbs and Dried Mushrooms” and “Italian Gastronomic Specialities”

Customer satisfaction

Learning to do better and better, listening to our customers’ needs: the keys to competitive success.
Over the years we have developed and improved a Customer Satisfaction process in order to better understand:
a. the expectations of the customer on specific products
b. the perception of the product during the sale process and after consumption
All our customers are monitored using main indicators in order to make a conscious assessment of our company’s performance. Our “Customer Satisfaction” foremen fix meetings with the managers of points of sale to draw up a quality-check document.
On such occasions, our personnel have the chance to investigate the key success factors in customer perspective and to pinpoint areas of improvement in order to ensure excellent quality service and products.

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